Nevada's BIG Give
Giving Help & Hope to Our Neighbors Who Need Us Most
The murderous events perpetrated against homeless people sleeping in the streets of Las Vegas reminded us all, of how truly vulnerable these citizens are. The Salvation Army immediately took to the streets to reach out to homeless men and women throughout our valley to let them know there is a safe place to be. A place with the tools to work towards building a new life.
NV BIG Give makes an impact for our neighbors who need us most.
For over 150 years, The Salvation Army has faced human crises head on with a "heart to God and hand to man". And our work has always been made possible by the generous hearts in the communities we serve.
In Southern Nevada, donations help cover the costs of basic needs items: food, hygiene, and transportation to vocational training, employment readiness, and life skills sustainability. This frontline compassionate care is critical triage and it's the first step in giving a hand up, not a hand out.
That's why on March 22,2018, Nevada's BIG Give 2018, we're hoping you will give to The Salvation Army. It's the day Nevada unites to build a better tomorrow.